City Council introduced changes to the city’s two-year-old sidewalk cafe ordinance, including a reduction in the seasonal fee from $500 to $20.

The changes are modeled after ordinances in other towns and aims to streamline the process, City Administrator Cherron Rountree said in a brief interview after the ordinance (O-18-15) was introduced at the July 13 City Council meeting.
Two years ago, the governing body established a sidewalk cafe ordinance that included a $500 application fee.
In addition to dropping a zero and then some from the application fee, the latest changes require the zoning officer to refer proposed layout plans to the municipal planner and municipal engineer for review and recommendations for approval. The previous ordinance (O-19-12) stipulated that applications and layout plans be reviewed by the police chief, fire chief, health officer, construction official and municipal engineer.
The latest amendment also sets a season for outdoor sidewalk cafes, running from May 1 to Nov. 1. All licenses will be issued annually starting in January. Licenses can be renewed annually by filing an application.
Why don’t they worry about lowering our taxes instead of this nonsense. They lower for all the big business’ but stick it to the homeowners.
This is phenomenal! Excited for this !