A St. Georges Avenue auto center won a tax appeal that slashed more than a quarter off its property tax bill for last year.
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A St. Georges Avenue auto center won a tax appeal that slashed more than a quarter off its property tax bill for last year.
Continue reading St. Georges Ave. auto center settles tax appeal
It’s been awhile since our last reader poll, so here’s a good one to get some discussion going:
City Council introduced an ordinance last week to officially change the name of the downtown Special Improvement District (SID).
The Rahway Democratic Municipal Committee elected a new chairman on Monday night with Kevin O’Brien succeeding Mayor Samson Steinman as leader of the city’s majority party.
City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing and final approval of the 2017 municipal budget during its combined conference and regular meeting tonight, starting at 7 p.m. The $54-million spending plan, which projects an average municipal tax increase of $81, was introduced at the April 24 regular meeting.
Continue reading City Council to approve 2017 municipal budget
Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOTs) more than doubled in last year’s municipal budget, eclipsing $2 million after three new projects were added to the tax rolls. The spending plan for 2017 anticipates $1.3 million after the expiration of one five-year PILOT.
There were no local elections for City Council or mayor — that’s next year — but Rahway voters like the rest of the state still cast ballots in this year’s primary for governor and other state races on Tuesday.
City Council is scheduled to vote on a $140,000 Special Improvement District (SID) budget for 2017 during its combined conference and regular meeting on June 12.