It’s a great time of year to spend time outdoors (when it’s not a billion degrees), whether it’s a concert, dinner, drinks or just chilling at your “third place.”
Monthly Archives: June 2021
A look at Rahway’s ParkScore
Who doesn’t love parks, am I right?
Strategic plan to create vision for downtown
A strategic plan aims to establish an overall vision for downtown, identify strengths and weaknesses as well as potential uses for vacant or underused sites.
Continue reading Strategic plan to create vision for downtown
Public hearing tonight on 2021 city budget
City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing and final vote on a proposed $58.6-million municipal budget, which aims to raise $38.1 million through property taxes.
Council approves shift in SID management
City Council unanimously approved an ordinance that will shift the downtown management corporation overseeing the Special Improvement District (SID) from the Rahway Arts and Business Partnership (RABP) to the governing body.
PILOTs in the 2021 budget
The proposed municipal budget for 2021 includes almost $1.8 million in anticipated Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT), with at least two new developments expected to add $190,000 this year.
Poll: What’s your favorite outdoor space?
People are spending more time outside not just because the weather is heating up but it’s also a good precaution as the pandemic recedes.
Esterbrook lots deemed in need of redevelopment
The Planning Board deemed five properties on Esterbrook Avenue as a non-condemnation redevelopment area, sending the recommendation to City Council.
Continue reading Esterbrook lots deemed in need of redevelopment