City Council approved a contract of almost $42,000 for the demolition of an East Cherry Street building, most recently known as The Cherry Pit.
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The governing body unanimously approved a resolution (AR-199-22) awarding a contract for $41,667 to Avenel-based Big Top Contractors during its combined pre-conference and regular meeting on Oct. 11.
“A condition exists effecting the public health, safety, or welfare requiring the immediate delivery of goods or services,” according to the resolution. “Due to the rapidly deteriorating condition of the building at 59 East Cherry Street a hazardous situation was created and the building was in need of immediate demolition.”
It’s unclear what the recent emergency was that required demolition, however, the building had been used in recent years as the Cherry Pit, an area for teen programming and featuring Rahway’s Own displays. after it was acquired by the Parking Authority.

The building, formerly housing New Era sportswear, was purchased by the Parking Authority in 2015. The property has often been mentioned as part of a larger, long-term plan for a promenade. At least since construction of the parking garage on Lewis Street in the early 2000s, discussions have included creating easier access to East Cherry Street.
A concept plan proposed in 2015 that never came to fruition proposed a promenade connecting East Cherry Street to Lewis Street. The eastern end of East Cherry from Main to Monroe streets could be turned into pedestrian-only when necessary, with the promenade allowing vehicular access from the parking deck after special events. More recently, the city has pursued state grant funding for a pocket park along Easy Cherry Street that might also include tentative plans for a small performance space in the future.
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