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Hi, my name is Mark Hrywna [Hriv-na]. I started this site because I had an interest in Rahway’s redevelopment efforts and didn’t see nearly enough attention paid by other local media, or even the public. It’s become something of a hobby, sort of a part-time job at times, and has evolved over the years; an experiment to see what one guy with a laptop could do. Most stories are developed through attending meetings of City Council, Redevelopment Agency, as well as Zoning and Planning boards. This an independent blog that is not associated or affiliated with the City of Rahway.

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As for the name of the blog, it was a suggestion from a friend — big Springsteen fan — and it struck me because it can be viewed different ways. Whether you agree that Rahway’s stature is “rising,” on its way to being the next “it” town or just selling out to developers, there’s no denying that it’s tangibly rising right in front of us (as in a 17-story hotel when I started the site in 2008 and other developments since then).

_8507899I lived in downtown Rahway from 2004 to 2013, so I’ve seen the changes firsthand — since before the housing market collapse and after. I’ve kept up with it because the site has attracted a pretty loyal following over the years. In 2014, I started offering advertising, mainly to try to cover the expenses of running the site, e.g., hosting and domain fees, and so forth. But I think it’s also an important avenue to provide local small businesses with an online presence. If you’d like to support the site, check out the reasonable advertising rates or individual readers can contribute via my crowdfunding page.

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My background is in journalism but I like to think this is something any citizen can do since much of what I write can be found by attending public meetings or in public records. In my full-time job, I write for a magazine that covers the nonprofit sector. From 1999 to 2005, I ran nine weekly newspapers in Union County, which included the Rahway Progress.

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12 thoughts on “About”

  1. This is a great blog – I check it out at least weekly. You should post some flyers about it at the new residential buildings so people know to check it out when they move to Rahway!

    1. I would think it’d be available electronically at City Hall. File an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request with the city clerk’s office.

  2. I love the blog but I use to get email notices about new post on this site; has that been eliminated?

  3. I love the blog, I used to live in Rahway but bought a condo in Union but now thinking about coming back to Rahway because I miss the town-thank you for the blog!

  4. I find your posts very helpful keeping up with our city. I would like to see an annual summary of the total number if rental units, total number of sold units, what percent of the total are vacant or unsold, average rental price, number under construction, number in planning/proposed stage, etc.

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