Here’s a little before (left) and after (right) comparison of 1505 Main St., after recent improvements to the facade and other renovations.
The Planning Board approved the project in April 2008, with work starting around Labor Day and lasting several weeks. The “after” photo on the right was taken last week.
Looks like the only thing left to do on the exterior is a new awning and some signage for the Chinese takeout place on the left side and the beauty salon on the right side. It’s a slow week, I’ll shoot for more scintillating news in future posts.
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forgot how bad that was! every litte bit of improvement helps.
I noticed there is a large "restaurant for rent" sign in the window of the building. Not surprising. It never got much business at all and the one time I was in there (once, was all I needed) the only people in there was a bunch of kids ordering plate after plate of chicken wings
I noticed that this past weekend too. I'm guessing it went up last week sometime.