Red light cameras could be up and in use sometime next month at two Rahway intersections: Routes 1&9 and East Milton Avenue, and St. Georges and Maple avenues. There would be a 30-day “warning phase” after installation, to get the public accustomed to them before tickets are issued, according to Police Chief John Rodger. He expects them to be installed at some point next month.
City Council last fall approved the traffic safety camera program following approval from the state, a process that started about two years ago.

Every violation to the Police Department is certified by a police officer while the vendor issues the violation and it’s paid through Municipal Court. There are no points on a violation, unless a driver pleads not guilty, according to Rodger, in which case if they’re found guilty it’s two points plus a fine and court costs. Motorists can be cited for running a red light or turning on red. Rodger said Linden experienced a 30-percent drop in violations since the cameras took effect.
I'm not ordinarily a fan of this sort of thing, but St. Georges and Maple is a death trap. I have to cross that intersection every day to bring my kids to school, and I have seen not just close calls, but cars going through that light a full 2 seconds when I've already begun across. I think people are focused on the next light either at Milton or Hazelwood and they don't even see it.The only reason there aren't MORE accidents I believe is because the people on Maple crossing St. George KNOW no one stops for the light and we wait to be sure.I DID witness someone actually get a pulled over a few weeks ago, when a cop was actually parked and watching.
Inman Avenue & St. George would be a great spot! Set it up!
The St. George's/Maple Ave. deathtrap has been like that for years. The darn lights are not even correctly set with each other. Instead of putting up red-light cameras, how about getting the city & the county on the same page to get the lights right so someone doesn't get killed. I guess putting up the light would be easier than having someone actually do their job. Does the councilman in that district even know that this is going on?
I walk across St. George and Maple the last 20 yrs from the train station at night and they are always going thru the light half of them are talking on the phone. Should put one by the train station walkways. About time Rahway woke up .walker
Turns out that Rahway didn't properly calibrate the red light cameras. Typical. They've been suspended. Called municipal court: no refunds for fines. Also, typical. Screw this beat-up, grubby little town.
John, No refunds for fines because Rahway's cameras were not an issue; they were properly calibrated and inspected, according to the police chief. DOT suspended all red light cameras statewide because 63 of the 85 in NJ were not in compliance; Rahway was not among them.