Finances at the Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) largely returned to pre-pandemic normal, according to its most recent nonprofit tax form.
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Finances at the Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) largely returned to pre-pandemic normal, according to its most recent nonprofit tax form.
Continue reading UCPAC finances return to pre-pandemic levels
.City Council renewed a six-figure contract to the Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) to provide assistance with some events throughout the year.
Continue reading Council renews $183,750 contract with UCPAC
City Council awarded a nearly $10,000 contract for a flood hardening study of Hamilton Stage.
A year after finances took a tumble at the height of the pandemic, the Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) reported revenue of more than $2 million thanks to government support and contributions and grants of more than $1 million and a rebound in program revenue.
City Council renewed a six-figure contract with the Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) for technical and programming assistance on city events.
Revenue for the Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) fell by half in 2021, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and a months-long closure as the nearly 95-year-old facility sustained its first deficit in almost a decade.
The Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) has a new executive director after a short-lived tenure for its previous leader.
The city awarded a contract to the Union County Performing Arts Center (UCPAC) almost four times bigger than what it’s historically given to the facility for assistance with downtown events.
Continue reading Council awards $220K contract to arts center