Category Archives: Uncategorized

Suggestions for next happy hour gathering

It’s been two months, is it time for another Rahway Rising happy hour? It’s already mid-January and I figured I should put some more planning behind the next event. As always, I leave it open for readers to offer dates and locations for our second happy hour. I’m thinking sometime in February.

I’ve already had discussions in passing with readers who’ve proposed rotating locations to “spread the wealth” to other bars or bring it closer to the other side of town to a St. Georges Avenue establishment. Feel free to use the comments section of this post for your preferences and suggestions, or email me at rahwayrising(at)

I’ll be back to post some assorted news items later this week.

Green building plan meeting next week

A special joint Planning Board and Environmental Commission meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room of the Public Library, 2 City Hall Plaza.

The city aims to adopt a new chapter of its master plan, Green Building and Environmental Sustainability Plan, and seeks questions, feedback and involvement. The city has been promoting “green building practices in addition to conducting an energy audit of all its public buildings.”


The Star-Ledger‘s Munchmobile Pizza Patrol took another swing through Union County recently. Brooklyn Pizza on Race Street was among the pizzerias to which they paid a visit, however, they didn’t sound too impressed, according to this report posted last week:

“‘Best pizza in New Jersey,’ proclaims Brooklyn Pizza. Maybe it should start with trying to be the best pizza in Rahway. The crust should return to crust school, and the cheese tasted low-grade. The white pie is instantly forgettable.”

Agree? Disagree? Brooklyn Pizza was a newcomer at the time of our Best Pizza poll almost a year ago, but managed a decent, middle-of-the-pack finish.

Motel 6 now planned for Kings Inn

Under new ownership again, the Kings Inn Motel plans to become a Motel 6.

The Redevelopment Agency last week reassigned the redevelopment agreement from Ratan Rahway, LLC to Rahway Tower, LLC. Attorney Frank Regan told commissioners during a meeting last month that a new owner for the property is expecting to file building permits. They plan use the same site plans that already had been approved by the Planning Board, Regan said. About a year ago, principals in Ratan Rahway had plans to buy and renovate the property and turn it into a Howard Johnson but ran into financial difficulties.

A new individual has acquired the interests of Ratan Rahway, which has a contract to acquire the property from Rahway Tower, according to Regan, and eventually may take its name as well.

The properties associated with Kings Inn (Block 304, Lots 5-6/1360 Route 1) were acquired for about $1.2 million in September 2004 by Rahway Tower, LLC. Barry Rosner, a Somerset-based CPA listed as a principal of Rahway Tower, declined to provide any details over the phone, saying only that he’s not involved in Rahway anymore.

There’s been occasional speculation that the state Department of Transportation (DOT) has interest in purchasing the property, but a spokesman confirmed last summer that it does not.


The Rahway Rising Facebook fan page reached 100 fans last week — woo hoo!

David Drake closes, plans new location…?

The renowned Restaurant David Drake closed this week.

A sign in the window of the Irving Street eatery reads:

“Restaurant David Drake has closed. Look for the NEW Restaurant David Drake in the spring in a new location. We would like to thank all of our local customers for all of their support over the years. We look forward to welcoming you back later this year.”

It’s unclear whether that new location will be in Rahway. I haven’t been able to find out much more since Tweeting about it Thursday but Drake told New Jersey Monthly‘s Table Hopping with Rosie yesterday: “I’m not sure what is going to happen, or not happen. It may reopen in the near future but perhaps as Bistro David Drake. We shall see because I’m totally focusing on doing good things at Alice’s in Lake Hopatcong right now.”

Thanks to reader Mark C. who emailed the heads-up on Thursday. Way to crowdsource!

Board to consider concept plans presented for amphitheater and black box theater

A committee of the Arts District Advisory Board will review concept plans for projects at the Hamilton Laundry and Bell Building sites. City Engineer James Housten will present plans this week in preparation for developing cost estimates on the two projects.

Housten told Redevelopment Agency commissioners at their meeting this month that a report is expected shortly on the monitoring wells currently on the Hamilton Laundry site. Soil from some areas likely will need to be moved, he added.

Bids to demolish the home adjacent to the Hamilton Laundry site should be introduced at the January City Council meeting and approved in February, he said.

The Bell Building (photo above) might actually catch up and pass the Hamilton Laundry project depending on environmental remediation, Housten said, adding that environmental issues already taken care of at the Bell Building site.

A 1,000-seat amphitheater at the former Hamilton Laundry site is expected to break ground next year while a black box theater and performing arts space is planned for the Bell Building. The Hamilton Laundry project is among eight sites in Rahway eligible for state funding as a Brownfield Development Area.

Catching up on some reading

I’m a little late with this but in case you missed last Sunday’s Ledger, here’s their story about Union County home sales in the first half of 2009. It was a county-by-county breakdown of a larger project, “N.J. real estate bust hits urban home sales the hardest.”

Compared to the first half of 2008, “prices dipped 8 percent” in Union County, with only Elizabeth, Fanwood and Springfield seeing more home sales during the first half of this year compared to the same time in 2008. Berkeley Heights (0%) and Scotch Plains (7%) were the lone towns to see median home prices remain the same or rise over last year, and nine towns saw double-digit declines. Only Summit (2%) was up last year over 2005 median prices.

For Rahway, the analysis indicated a median price of $267,000 this year, compared to $307,500 last year (-13%) and $281,000 in 2005 (-5%). Those figures were still good enough to rank Rahway among the top third among the 21 Union County towns in both years, matching Clark and Mountainside in 2008.

The number of home sales was down 18 percent in Rahway for the first half of this year, which was about the ninth lowest rate within the county.


I also came across this New York Times piece yesterday. It talked about “municipal governments and arts groups pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into larger, flashier exhibit spaces and performance halls,” believing it was “the answer to what ailed cities everywhere — a way to lure tourists and economic development — and a potential boon to cultural institutions.”

The specific projects mentioned are of a much larger scale and in some cases very different, but it did bring to mind the $6-million expansion and acquisition of the local arts center by Union County, which also was pushed in part by the idea of spurring economic development earlier this decade.

The most provocative quote came from a senior fellow at the University of Chicago studying these projects: “These were situations in which ‘nobody actually asked: Is there a need here? If they build it, will they come?'”

Developer interested in 19 unsold Riverwalk units

A developer is negotiating with Bank of America to acquire the 19 unsold Riverwalk units that have gone into foreclosure.

Redevelopment Agency attorney Frank Regan told commissioners last week that the city has provided the developer with information regarding the outstanding issues at Riverwalk, namely on-site improvements that remain undone and reimbursement to the city for work that was completed in the spring. The developer requested that the city not identify them, Regan said, adding that the developer is familiar with the city and and its redevelopment efforts.

Bank of America has started the foreclosure process on 19 unsold Riverwalk units, seven of which the city planned to pursue for property taxes. Diversified Communities built a total 86 townhouses in the Riverwalk project. The developer had ideas to build another 40 on adjacent property but did not due to the cost of remediating environmental issues, and at one point was a player in the Town Center project that was proposed three years ago.

Park Square timeline: fall 2010

The second building in the Park Square development is expected to be completed and ready for occupancy by fall 2010.

Joel Schwartz, principal with developer Landmark Companies of Keasbey, presented an update to commissioners at last night’s Redevelopment Agency meeting.

About 44 of the 63 apartments in the completed building one on Irving Street are leased and the 96 units in building two on Main Street should be open by October, Schwartz said. There will be a total 238 parking spaces. Due to a different elevation on Main Street, two levels of parking will be on that side (photo above, corner of Elizabeth Avenue) compared to one level in operation now on the Irving Street side. The four-story, 159-unit project broke ground in October 2006.

Schwartz said there was an effort not to push the retail space, given the market conditions but also to try to first fill up residential units. He hopes to have more tenants by the spring for the 7,000 square feet of ground-floor retail space along Irving Street. The first tenant, Eyes On You, a high-end optometrist occupying 1,700 square feet at the corner of Irving and Elizabeth Avenue (photo at right), should be open in the new year.