City Council approved a one-year, $18,600 contract for a consultant to serve as a liaison with the Arts District Advisory Board. The contract was approved during a special meeting June 30.
Elizabeth-based Coen Consulting Group, headed up by former county director of heritage affairs Susan Coen, will serve as a liaison between the Rahway Arts District Board and City Council, helping to raise money, secure grants and coordinate activities between local arts organizations, according to City Administrator Peter Pelissier.
The Arts District Advisory Board has been considering designs for the Hamilton Street amphitheater project, which is expected to begin construction late this year.
Also at the June 30 meeting, City Council approved increases of 5 percent and 8 percent in water and sewer rates, respectively.
The city should enhance the arts district by considering an IMAX theater. There are none in the area which show box office hit releases and It's such a drag driving the kids to West Nyack. The Liberty Science Center is nice but your not going to see the Transformer or Harry Potter movie there.
Actually – the AMC in Linden does show IMAX movies. However, they only show them at midnight which is ridiculous. We were dying to see the new Star Trek in IMAX, only to find out this prohibitive showing policy. The only time I've see them do it otherwise, was recently when the new Night At the Museum film came out. I'm assuming because families (i.e.; children) bring in the bulk of revenues and they were showing it back to back all day long. Seems Star Trek was more the type of film which deserved to be shown in that format, however – but hey that's just me nitpicking
I believe you are mistaken.
Does anyone find it "unseemly" that Coen received this contract? Was it put out to bid in a fair and open process? SHe retired not too long ago from the county and is now given this contract? I don't like it.
First of all, Rahway should concentrate on the one theatre that they have already, the Union County Arts Center which again has a terrible and embarssing line up, when compared to Count Basie and Wellmont. This is what Union County paid for? Years ago the shows were great! As for Imax, Linden doesn't have an imax, but they are building one in Elizabeth and New Brunswick.