City Council President Michael Cox resigned this afternoon, two days after a car crash in which he was chargrd with Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
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During his report to City Council at tonight’s regular meeting, Mayor Ray Giacobbe, Jr. said Cox resigned via a 12:45 p.m. email. He described Cox as “a good man who made a horrible mistake. His stepping down is the first step in taking responsibility for his actions,” the mayor said, adding that he was grateful no one was hurt.
Police responded to the area of Westfield and St. Georges avenues on Saturday at approximately 10:35 p.m. on a report of a crash involving four parked, unoccupied vehicles, according to an undated press release from the Police Department. Police determined that the 66-year-old was the lone driver and “under the influence of alcohol.” He was issued summonses for DUI and Careless Driving.
Cox represented the 2nd Ward and was elected City Council president in January for the 2023 term. City Council Vice President Vannie Parson was elevated to Council President and ran Monday night’s regular meeting.

A resident of West Scott Avenue, Cox first was elected in 2008 and most recently re-elected to a four-year term in 2020, defeating Republican Libby Maljian by a nearly 3-to-1 margin. Since more than one year remains on his original term (2024), the remaining year would be up for election in November. Since the seat is held by a Democrat — as all nine City Council seats are — the Democratic Municipal Committee must submit three nominees to the governing body for appointment to the vacant seat, who would serve until a special election in November. UPDATED, May 9: Democratic Municipal Chairman Kevin O’Brien said the committee is scheduled to meet May 22 to select three nominees.
The 2nd Ward is comprised of an area in the northwestern corner of the city around Rahway River Park, bordering Linden and Clark. Whoever is appointed to succeed Cox would be the 6th council representative in as many years to resign their seat before their term ended, in addition to the mayor’s office in 2018.
Cox “was a real good councilman and we’re gonna miss him. Our prayers are with him,” 6th Ward Councilman Joseph Gibilisco said during tonight’s City Council meeting. “Just remember we all make mistakes. It doesn’t discount you from being a great man,” Councilman At-Large Jeremy Mojica said.
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