Changes to a concept plan for a mixed-used development proposed for East Cherry Street would reduce ground-floor retail space while allowing for on-site parking.
The economics weren’t working on the original plan so revisions would extend the project further toward the Monroe Street extension, according to Redevelopment Director Leonard Bier. “Upsizing” the residential units required the extension, he said, and the revised plans work better for the developer and the city.
The original plan presented in April included 33 units in a five-story building that would replace the existing two-story structures. That proposal also included three ground-floor retail spaces of about 2,800 square feet and five ground-floor apartments in the rear.
The revisions would make the ground-floor retail spaces smaller, only 28 feet deep, and allow for some ground-floor parking on site, Richard Radici of Waldwick-based DMR Construction said during a brief interview after last week’s Redevelopment Agency meeting. The original plan called for entirely off-site parking, he said.
Bier briefed commissioners at their Aug. 5 Redevelopment Agency meeting and is hoping a presentation can be made at their Sept. 2 meeting where the developer would seek approval of a redevelopment plan. He said he’s had telephone conversations with the developer and his architect but has not yet met in person about the revisions.
The most attractive, pedestrian-friendly street in the city, and the plan is to knock down buildings and add on-site parking? What a crime.