Meridia Lafayette Village will push 13 feet further into Dock Street than originally planned, allowing the developer to open up some of the units — if the City Council gives its approval.
The City Council introduced an ordinance (O-20-13) to vacate a portion of Dock Street, roughly 13 feet past the property line of the Lafayette Village project. The ordinance was introduced in April and will be up for a public hearing and vote at the governing body’s May 13 meeting.Project Manager Henry Szwed of Capodagli Property Company described the changes to the Redevelopment Agency at its April meeting. The requirements of a waterfront development permit and a “view shed” would eliminate loft spaces on the upper floors, making the fourth-floor units more narrow. “It just wasn’t going to be marketable. An additional 13 feet or so will “open up the units some,” said Szwed. Narrow units would be be eliminated and be more open while the project could gain as many as nine parking spaces. Szwed explained that they will cantilever the building about 15 to 20 feet and build columns within the area near the corner of Dock and Monroe streets.
City Engineer James Housten said the something almost identical was done when nearby River Place was constructed, in about 2004. The new curb will be 15 feet off the property line and overhead poles will be relocated, he said.
A cantilever allows the developer to leave the sewer where it is because moving would be very expensive. With an 80-foot right of way on Dock Street, Housten said, losing 13 feet will still be OK.
The Planning Board gave its approval in August for the 115-unit Lafayette Village project at Monroe and Main streets, and it will go back to the DEP to get its approval.
Lafayette Village to expand onto Dock Street
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How can I get the city to vacate 13 feet in front of my house (for free I take it)? It would be nice to have a larger front lawn!