Mayor James Kennedy, who’s pushed downtown redevelopment efforts since first winning election in 1990, told members of the Democratic Committee Monday night that he won’t seek re-election to a sixth term.
The announcement surprised most everyone, including his running mates, according to one person in attendance.
The five-term Democrat was elected to his first four-year term in 1990. Four years ago, he was re-elected with Council At-large candidates James Baker, Nancy Saliga and Sal Mione. Democratic Chairman Rick Proctor, who also serves as the city’s health officer and as an elected county freeholder (whose term expires 2011), will run for the Democratic line for mayor and likely will be challenged by Republican Patrick Cassio in November. The filing deadline is Monday, April 12.
Kennedy’s 20-year tenure as mayor included construction of a new public library, recreation center and renovation of the train station, along with many of the development projects currently under way or completed. He said he’s looking forward to time off but remains committed to the efforts with the cultural arts. “It should be rewarding and fun,” he said.
Kennedy, who earns about $70,000 as mayor, according to Asbury Park Press‘ DataUniverse, confirmed that City Administrator and Redevelopment Director Peter Pelissier would remain in those positions should Proctor succeed him as mayor.
Mark Hrywna for Mayor!!!!!!!
Mayor Kennedy was an insightful leader and a good business man. He has moved Rahway forward and I will miss his presence. I hope his visions live on.
Mr. Proctor currently has 2 tax payer jobs already and is making in excess of 155k plus the use of a vehicle, and an expense account.He is a lead Health officer in the city of Rahway and a 2 term Union County Freeholder. This can be verified on the Asbury Park Press site, salaries for 2009. that he is an announced candidate, is it fair to say should he resign from one of his positions while he seeks a THIRD paid office of Mayor which pays over 62k?Isn't this the type of government excess and double dipping people in NJ have said they are tired of?What kind of message or example does this sent to the people out of work who cannot even find one job?I think these are fair questions and hopefully will be answered.
Anonymous, thanks for reminding us why we call this time "silly season."
When people have to struggle to pay property taxes during a recession, I don't think "double dipping" on the tax payers is silly. It's actually sad that it is still taking place after all the scandals that have rocked NJ this decade. People are having trouble finding one job, no public official should be allowed to have two.
anyone want to bet who the ranter is? 10:1 its rahwaypride/casio
Hahhaha ranter? Typical insider answer, blame some one. Talk to anyone in NJ and you will hear the same thing.They are tired of the status quo. Have you been in a cave the last 2 years or what?Or are you part of the system that promotes this double dipping?Double dipping and pension reform in NJ are front page stories.Is the Star ledger and Asbury Park Press ranting too?
You are hysterical. Thanks for the laugh.
No one should be allowed to hold two paid government jobs – period. I don't care who you are, you aren't that valuable to taxpayers. Want a second job? Go find one in the private sector like everyone else.It's this type of corruption that is driving up taxes in NJ and driving people and businesses out of the state.I hope Mr. Proctor's bid for a 3rd taxpayer funded job crashes and burns.
Proctor cannot hold two elected positions. I'm not so sure he can hold a City job while being the Mayor as well, but I could be wrong on that.
It was only a matter of time before this place turned into the forum
"It was only a matter of time before this place turned into the forum :-("Discussing whether the next Mayor of Rahway should be eligible for holding multiple taxpayer funded "jobs" at the same time is entirely consistent with the topic of this blog. We're talking about Rahway and Union County tax dollars.I know people feeding from the gov't trough don't like to hear it discussed, but these issues are important.
Good for you Matthew. Rahway is a better place when people like yourself stand up for the truth.These (double dippers) are important issues and should be discussed not brushed under the rug or dissed off because some one is a crony.Many in NJ are out of work and government officials who have more then one job because of connections are sending a bad message about what their priorities are; THEMSELVES!
Kennedy is put this town into horrible shape and is now leaving when its now getting to its worst ever!Here is the Rahway Sewer Project! thats not enough look at down town Rahway! HUGE increase in supply of homes and condos with no increase in demand. no shopping, no supermarkets, no anything! just more homes to further depress current home prices.thanks for nothing!