Model units have opened at Riverview Manor, a 13-unit townhouse complex at the end of Lennington Street, near Routes 1&9.
Each two-bedroom unit has a one-car garage and one parking space, in addition to a patio and balcony. At the time of Planning Board approval last year, the units were expected to hit the market at about $400,000 once constructed. A quick search yielded a Web site with some information and floor plans.
As reported here last year, Riverview Manor received Planning Board approval in April 2008. The former Lennington Tea House was demolished before the project broke ground later in the year.
A new White Diamond opened in Rahway last week, according to this post on A Hamburger Today. It replaces the former Corner Grill on the corner of East Hazelwood Avenue and Whelan Place. I’ve also noticed some work being done along Routes 1&9 North just past East Scott Avenue, where a White Castle was approved by the Planning Board in February.
Walk to "restaurants"? Do they mean the KFC and Burger King on 1&9? *laughs*
Let's be real – why buy here for $400+ when you can go across the street and pick up a Riverwalk townhouse from the bank for about $250 = The Riverwalk properies are bigger, better and in a better location
Probably because you are exaggerating. They aren't selling for $250.
Re: White Diamond. Tried it this evening. Ugh. Guy running grill has NO concept of the menu – had to send my burger back 3x to get it right. Claimed he couldn't read the order the other worker placed, but we saw it and it was very legible. I predict he won't last long. Also, other worker kept touching our food with her bare fingers to ascertain if cook got things correct (lifting buns, moving lettuce around, etc.) – not thrilled about that. I know this is a low budget place, but they really need to work out kinks here and get some fresher produce too. I for one, will not be returning. I'm shocked to say I would have preferred Burger King
The Riverwalk comparison is a good one, though. Take whatever price they are selling for (and they aren't selling for any price at the moment) and reduce it by $50k. That's what these places should go for.The Riverwalk location isn't right for high-end prices. But at least there you can easily walk to the train.
Ummmm! White Castle . . .
Bring your checkbooks to this auction of luxury condos in Rutherford:Condos go on auction blockRutherford has a nice (albeit small) downtown and train station where you can get to NYC in about 30 minutes, maybe less if you can take the PATH from Hoboken to your destination.Considering all that's going on (still) with the real estate and credit markets, I can't believe how Riverview units can list in the $400k range. That strategy isn't working so well for other developments.
Riverwalk is coming around fo sure. Yes, there are some vacant and lower selling units, but with the completion of the park, and the street paving, it seems to be starting to come to life. Should be better once all the builder forclosure issues are dealt with. I'd buy in there if I were looking….WAY before Riverview. Can't walk to the train from there. (Like "Frogger" crossing 1&9!) Riverwalk also seems like a lot of young professional families, which is exactly what Rahway needs. I hope the prices at Riverview hold up. Will help all of us in town.
Don't know what Riverview units are on the market for now, but remember, that $400k estimate is from 18 months ago — a very different time for the RE market.
Mark,One of the new Riverview units can be yours for $425,000. Better hurry with your bid before you're priced out forever.1797 Lennington St Unit 777
Went over to Riverview today. They are, quite lovely, I have to admit – but expensive. The corner unit, with the best view is $460,000 with the furniture included (model unit). Surprisingly, the view from the back of the unit really is nice (except for the water tower of course). Views from the fronts, meh – you can see 1/9 somewhat. More will be built soon, no water views from those priced @ $399,000Still ridiculously expensive for a 2BR no matter how you look at this, IMHO. You are getting a lot of space (great amount of storage), and in comparison to Riverwalk, I think the aesthetics of the community overall are/will be better but being that far from the train and so near 1/9 is a major annoyance. The realtor on the premises did mention "make an offer" to us. So, it seems the builder is willing to consider lower bids.
Gotta say, $399k for this location is just crazy. In 2005, I can see it. In 2009, come on!