Next time you’re racing through Rahway Train Station, be sure to wave to Nikola Tesla.
A bust of the famous scientist was donated to the city by the Tesla Science Foundation and has placed on the east side of the station, near Train Station Plaza.

A permanent location for the bust will be determined but the current spot was chosen because it fit nicely in the space and was protected from the weather, City Administrator Cherron Rountree said. “We are also reviewing options for a more prominent location at or near Train Station Plaza, where Tesla flipped the switch for the first time,” she said. An small unveiling ceremony is expected once a permanent location is chosen. The mayor officially proclaimed July 9-10 as Nikola Tesla Days.
Tesla was born in what is today Croatia and after emigrating to the U.S., he worked for Thomas Edison before he founded the Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing company on Irving Street in 1887. It’s there where he invented a high efficiency arc lamp, among numerous other patents.
Tesla is among those featured in the “Rahway’s Own” campaign by the Rahway Arts District. The timing coincides with the launch of marketing and branding campaign but is not directly part of it, said Executive Director Rachael Faillace.
I’m going to rant about this again. They couldn’t have put this in a worse spot. Right in front of Station Cab, at the back of the train plaza, near the elevator. This morning, there was spit all around it, let alone the cigarette butts and on occasion probably urine from the homeless who continue to use the elevator area as a toilet (which, I’ve complained about to little notice). Nobody but us commuters sees this piece of art where they situated it. It’s an insult to Tesla’s work and residency in Rahway. Even the mayor’s office apparently gives not an iota of concern since we wrote about it and didn’t even have the courtesy of a “Hey, thanks for the thoughts” email in return.
Why on earth would you have such a beautiful tribute piece of an incredible man placed there? Talk about mishandling! This was a true genius, when you talk about ART, how can a city not realize the awesome contributions of this man. The link to today’s generation is so simple too. Ask any young adult about “Tesla” and they know the car named after him…but here’s our chance to educate and bring pride to those same people about the man and about his Rahway connection. Shame on us if this isn’t handled correctly, the time for a second chance is slipping away…