Blog readers are backing a grocery store at the former Drug Fair that closed last week on St. Georges Avenue, according to our latest poll.
In this report last week, there are two potential tenants in negotiations for the almost 14,000-square-foot space that takes up almost a quarter of the Drug Fair Shopping Center. There’s plenty of parking on site but Rahway Farm already sits next door and it’s not bad for a small grocery store.
As we’ve discussed previously, a Trader Joe’s — much less a Whole Foods — might be nice but seems like a long shot at best. Keep in mind also, as as competition for retail, the empty A&P store on Westfield Avenue in Clark is but two minutes away.
“What would you like to see replace Drug Fair?”
Grocery store, 51 percent (45/87 votes)
Bakery, 13 percent (12/87)
Bar/restaurant, 12 percent (11/87)
BYOB restaurant, 6 percent (6/87)
Pet store, 5 percent (5/87)
Home decor, 2 percent (2/87)
Shoe store, 2 percent (2/87)
Other, 2 percent (2/87)
Stationary shop, 0 percent (0/87)
The 0.8-acre property was assessed at almost $2.7 million in 2008 and paid nearly $132,000 last year, according to state property records. The landlord is Millburn-based Gelber Associates.
I tried to include store choices that were mentioned in the Rahway Survey but that didn’t do much for stationary shop. Anyone care to share their choice of “other,” a liquor store perhaps? The space is large enough, and probably too large in some cases, for most of these choices. A BYOB restaurant would avoid dealing with acquiring a liquor license, but I just don’t see it for that site.
And just in case you don’t have your fill of drug stores, construction on another Walgreen is under way on St. Georges Avenue in Colonia, barely two miles from the Rahway store.
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