The Rahway Public Library went public Friday on social media with drastic changes to its programming due to “funding challenges,” prompting residents to hold a rally tonight.
Poll: What’s your favorite pizza in Rahway?
If there’s one reader poll that has stood the test of time, it’s an oldie but a goodie.
Continue reading Poll: What’s your favorite pizza in Rahway?
Poll Results: Favorite Sweet Treat to Beat the Summer Heat in Rahway
As we inch closer to fall, we’re still experiencing those 90-degree-I-need-an-ice-cream-desperately days of summer in Rahway. If you’re looking for your new favorite cold treat to beat the heat, we’ve got the scoop on which treats our readers love the most.
Continue reading Poll Results: Favorite Sweet Treat to Beat the Summer Heat in Rahway
Traffic light in the works at Jefferson & West Lake
A traffic light is planned for Jefferson and West Lake avenues, where over the last five years, the intersection has averaged almost one traffic accident per month.
Continue reading Traffic light in the works at Jefferson & West Lake
Senior housing plan ‘squeezes in’ parking space
A proposal that gained Planning Board approval last month, contingent on securing one more parking space to meet the minimum requirement, has been revised to add one more space to the original parking lot.
Continue reading Senior housing plan ‘squeezes in’ parking space
City sells Lawrence Street parcel
The city accepted the higher of two bids received for the auction of a Lawrence Street property.
21 properties hit with $7K in cleanup liens
More than $7,000 in liens were levied against almost two dozen properties — almost half repeat offenders — to recover costs of cleanup by the city for various nuisances.
Continue reading 21 properties hit with $7K in cleanup liens
Engineering contract awarded for dog park
Plans for a proposed dog park in the Wheatena section of Rahway River Park took a step forward this week.