The Planning Board earlier this year approved variances that would allow an outdoor seating area at a longtime St. Georges Avenue tavern.

Peter Kowal, owner of Butch Kowal’s Tavern, proposed constructing an outdoor seating area on the south side of the building, with 24 seats and a 6-foot high wood board fence on the east and south sides. He originally testified in February that the outdoor seating would be operational June 1 but the impact of the coronavirus pandemic pushed that back. In a message this week, Kowal said he’s in the process of obtaining the treated wood for the fence and aims for a September opening.
The patio area would comply with the city’s ordinances regarding the relevant hours of operation. It would not operate later than 10:30 p.m. from Sunday through Thursday and no later than 11:30 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and evenings prior to public holidays.
There is a pre-existing, nonconforming condition on the property related to impervious coverage, where 89.6 percent is existing — more than the maximum 80 percent permitted. The proposed patio and improvements would result increased impervious coverage on the property, which is why the application required a variance.

After reviewing the evidence, the Planning Board approved the application, requesting bulk “c” variances approval for the property at 944-950 St. Georges Ave. (Block 107, Lots 1-3 and 6-7), totaling almost 28,000 square feet. The unanimous 9-0 vote occurred at its meeting on Feb. 25 meeting, followed by memorialization by resolution at its June 9 meeting, held via Zoom.
The approval included some conditions, such as removing any parking spaces from the city’s right of way and ensuring that trash enclosures on the property are enclosed and also not within the city right of way. There also was a condition that traffic would only be allowed to make a right turn into or out of the property.
In light of the recent social distancing requirements, the city has turned some public spaces in and around downtown for use by customers patronizing local restaurants and bars. But this would be a permanent outdoor seating area for the St. Georges Avenue tavern, one of only a few outdoor spaces at local restaurants or bars in Rahway.