Over the past couple of decades, coffee shops have transformed into vital “third places,” whether it was the influence of Starbucks of the rise (and eventual fall) of Barnes & Noble.
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These “third places” refer to places where “people spend time outside of home or work, building relationships, having a good time and exchanging ideas.” For some, those third places are now virtual. Count me among those who still consider the coffee shop a third place, even if it has been years since I wrote about it on the blog. I’ve seen quite a few downtown options come as well as go.
The March reader poll, sponsored by the Rahway Special Improvement District (SID), What’s your favorite coffee in Rahway?
In this poll, your favorite coffee can be up to you (you can even consider tea): Whether that’s popping in for your morning brew on the way to the train, sipping a latte while reading a book or scrolling the web at your favorite cafe, or enjoying an after-dinner java or espresso. That’s why there’s such a variety in the voting options (except for national chains), anything from literally a coffee shop to a cigar bar that offers espresso to eateries and restaurants that offer up specialty coffee-type drinks.
Since last year’s poll, there’s been some attrition, with the closing of D’Oh on East Milton Avenue and sadly, Mr. Apple Pie on Irving Street. On the addition side, there’s the return of The Rahway Grill on East Cherry Street. There’s also turnover in another way, with Ash’s Luncheonette now Sam’s Luncheonette on Elizabeth Avenue. On Irving Street, Gigi’s Latino Bistro took over the space previously occupied by Mr. Apple Pie/Apple Pie Bistro.
So let’s see if Melao Cafe & Creamery downtown on Irving Street can defend its 2021 coffee crown against the newcomers as well as the returning competitors. Voting is open until March 30, with results posted before the end of the month. Please let me know in the comments if I’ve missed any place, or if you choose the “Other” option, specify where that might be.
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