Last month’s poll was just more of an appetizer. This month it’s like a real Battle Royale.
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The June reader poll, sponsored by the Rahway Special Improvement District (SID), has the most options available to readers because there are just so many choices – and it’s usually one of the most popular polls over the past few years:

To avoid getting too unwieldy with dozens of options, this poll sticks to restaurants that have table service — not just take out; we can keep that for a potential future poll. Of course, there will be some overlap from the May reader poll, favorite Latin restaurant, and some other previous polls, like favorite pizza and favorite bar (which was a tie last year!), among others.
Last year’s champion was a pizza place: Nancy’s Towne House took the top spot by a rather wide margin.
Give it some thought: Maybe your favorite is because you love the food, or maybe it’s the ambiance that really does it for your, or perhaps it’s the pristine service. Remember: the poll asks, what’s your favorite restaurant, so when you want to go out, not necessarily for the drink but for the meal, where do you go? It could very well be a place that doesn’t have a bar or serve liquor. Maybe it’s a BYO place that’s your favorite. Or maybe it’s one with a bar but it’s the restaurant part of it that you love. Go ahead and share your reasons why in the comments below.
Of course, if there’s any option that I missed, feel free to share in the comments and I’ll add to the poll options.
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