Rahway development map

Almost 1,500 new residential units have been constructed in Rahway over the last 15 years, including more than 1,000 downtown, with another 1,000-plus in the works — either approved and not yet begun or presented as a concept plan.

The accompanying map denotes most projects that have been completed, approved, or presented in concept. Green icons denote completed projects, yellow icons indicate projects under construction, and red denotes projects that have been presented as concept plans but have not been submitted as applications to the Planning or Zoning boards.

The map is by no means complete but it’s also somewhat of a work in progress that will be updated periodically. The current version doesn’t yet include other non-residential projects such as the Hamilton Stage for the Performing Arts, new construction like the 92-unit Home2 Suites off Routes 1&9 or renovated properties, like the Super 8 on Routes 1&9 that used to be a Kings Inn motel. Perhaps in the 2.0 version, I also will include projects like the $15-million Rahway Public Library complex, which has office space on the upper floors, constructed in 2004.

About 1,459 units overall have been constructed as part of about 15 developments over the last 15 or so years, including about 1,021 amid 10 projects with the Central Business District (CBD) redevelopment area or adjacent redevelopment areas. That’s about as many as are currently under construction in 19 projects within Hoboken alone. The map and totals include other projects that don’t fall within the redevelopment areas, such as Brookside at Rahway on St. Georges Avenue and Meridia Grand on East Grand Avenue.

There are some 914 units that have been approved but have not yet started construction:

There currently are 103 units that have broken ground and are under construction:

There are another 303 units that have been proposed as concept plans to the Redevelopment Agency but have not yet been filed applications with the Planning or Zoning boards:

Projects included in the map add up to 2,802 units in all, including those completed, approved, or presented in concept. Nearly all of them are primarily one- and two-bedrooms and most all are rental developments, with the exception of about 60 units at Carriage City Plaza.

The breakdown of units by project also can be found in Excel for here.


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6 thoughts on “Rahway development map”


  2. It is one thing to build and show those construction accomplishments for each project, but the two MOST IMPORTANT informational statistics are missing…
    “total sales of EACH UNIT per project and current OCCUPANCY RATE of every sold unit per project…
    Without this critical information, your reporting of this issue is problematic and somewhat useless to joe public.

    1. I disagree that it’s useless as there’s really no compilation of total numbers of new units, so this is a start. And, most folks I talk to don’t know the names or locations of each development precisely, so this is where they can turn. I’m not sure why that’s problematic. I’m aiming to add more info once I compile it one place, just a matter of going through old posts and such, although I don’t want to overwhelm readers with what I’m hoping to put together either. However, there won’t be sales per unit to show since most all of the new construction has been rental apartments as opposed to for-sale condominiums. I was aiming to present information that might not change as frequently, such as, when projects were completed, approved, presented, etc. Occupancy rates might be something that changes often enough that it’s not relevant. Also, I’ve found either the management companies prefer not to share that info with me or readers who do want that info don’t believe when specifics are mentioned at public meetings: http://www.rahwayrising.com/carriage-city-plaza-could-be-sold-this-year/

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