Senior housing plan ‘squeezes in’ parking space

A proposal that gained Planning Board approval last month, contingent on securing one more parking space to meet the minimum requirement, has been revised to add one more space to the original parking lot.

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The Planning Board last month gave conditional approval to Esterbrook Senior Housing, LLC to construct a 58-unit senior housing facility along Esterbrook Avenue, contingent on finding one more parking space to meet the total 41 required by city code. The application for 1410 Esterbrook Ave. proposed a rear parking lot with 23 spaces with an additional 17 spaces to be provided through an agreement with adjacent Zion Lutheran Church — which would be 1 short of the required 41.

Developers were able to fit one additional space in the parking lot behind the proposed senior building, for a total 24 parking spaces in the lot, according to Bruce Morgan, senior vice president, development at The Michaels Organization. “Simply put, we were able to squeeze in another space behind our building,” he said in an email last week.

Morgan said they have an executed agreement with the neighboring Zion Lutheran Church to accommodate 17 additional parking spaces. Developers also had explored a $150,000 Payment In Lieu Of Parking (PILOP) with the city to make up for the deficiency of 18 spaces.

The 4-story building would be restricted to residents 62 and older earning no more than $58,800, which is 60 percent of the median annual income in Union County, according to the most recent Census data.

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