You’re probably still rubbing your eyes after yesterday’s heavy, wonkish post so it might be best to get back to some more tangible redevelopment items. As you can see from th
e photo above, the Elm Avenue side of the Park Square project is moving along, with brick work completed and scaffolding removed. The photo at right was from a little over two weeks ago.
On the opposite corner (Elizabeth Avenue and Main Street), you can see they’ve started digging a big hole. Although I didn’t snap a photo, the guess here is that it’s the early stages of the second phase, plans for which were recently submitted to the city.
USA Today had a piece this week about boutique-style hotels, such as Hotel Indigo, and their foray into the suburbs (though I’m not sure who would consider Hoboken the suburbs — Manhattanites, I suppose?). While it didn’t mention Hotel Indigo at SkyView in Rahway, it did cite a few other examples of Hotel Indigos planned outside Boston and Indianapolis.
SkyView at Carriage City Plaza will have an open house this Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., according to their Web site.
one ugly building. i like the bricks that’s about it. the size is to much for the area. before ya know it downtown will be tall buildings and the streets canyons with no sun coming in,lol, i guess the buildins across the street will be coming down next because they don’t function with the design of the new monster across the street. they mys well tear down all the old buildings on ierving and main so they can put up the condoes. man wouldn’t that look like crap. i see the hesitic jewish guys or what ever land mongers bought there land and moved on to the next town to suckup some more land,gaza west i guess,lol
Nomad, Thanks for reading, lol, but you’re going to have to start making more sense in your comments, lol.
thanks mark:) ya gota read between the lines man. this is the best blog or anything about rahway that ya made here,awsume man,lol. keep up the good work. this is way better then the towns news papers that are run by the politcal establishment,lol.;)
OK – I don’t know what the former buildings looked like before, but I like the look of the new buildings. And in terms of size, I think four stories is just about right; it doesn’t look out of place to me.
After reading about the Sky View open house here, I went on Saturday and was very unimpressed. The two models they showed us were much smaller than I expected, not very well lit (although the windows did let in a lot of light, what does one do at night?), and some of the construction felt pretty cheap. The sales agent asked if our group had any comments on our trip down in the elevators and the best someone could come up with after uncomfortable silence was, “The view was really nice.” Even if the building is living up to its name, I just expected something more. ps. Thank you for providing this inside look at evolving Rahway. I found it while looking for more information on Park Square and have really been enjoying it.
I always thought park square was going to be another condo building until I saw the big poster advertising rentals. Was the intention of this project always a rental community?
I am with Alexis as I too thought these were going to be condos for sale… but they are rentals? Interesting. I am impressed if for no other reason that they are honest about the time it takes to get to Manhattan (48 min. vs. Skyview’s bogus 30 minutes, in what century was it ever 30 minutes to Manhattan by train from Rahway??!?!?!) and they say its a two minute walk to the train. You can spit on the train as it goes by from here so honestly its maybe a 60 second walk if you are in a hurry.Should be good competition for River Place. It will be interesting to see how it affects the rental rates at River Place which now becomes ‘old’ hat.
In terms of travel time to/from Manhattan, there is a lot of variation based on time of day: From Rahway to NYC it can take anywhere from 37 to 56 minutes depending on what train you catch (average time is about 44 minutes)From NYC to Rahway it can take anywhere from 33 to 42 minutes (average time is about 38 minutes)
There is one train each morning that NJT ‘claims’ is a 37 minute ride into NYC and two trains that it ‘claims’ are 33 min. rides back to Rahway from NYC each day.Anyone who is a regular rider of the NJT is probably not taking a 5am train or a 9pm train home. Furthermore, regular riders can attest to the fact that trains are regularly delayed (especially during morning rush hour) extending the posted travel times by 5 to 12 minutes on average. …. and its almost always Amtrak’s fault according to NJT.I am a regular commuter into the city and I would say I spend about 12 minutes per day sitting on a train that is not moving due to some sort of delay. That adds up to a full hour of wasted time each week on delays for a five-day-a-week commuter. And frankly, that would be a good week. (this past Friday afternoon and yesterday’s afternoon commute were total chaos with trains departing 30 minutes after posted times).Not that I blame Rahway for this.Anyone moving to a town for its commutability should do their research first. I remember a RE agent in Westfield telling me not to worry about the 6 year waiting list for parking at the Westfield train station because I could just drive to Linden where there is plenty of parking and its just a five minute drive. I guess she had some sort of teleporter car that got her from Westfield to Linden in five minutes.
I commute from Rahway to NYC everyday as well. The train has been on time maybe once a week. It’s awful. At one point I had to start taking an earlier train until that one was always late. I then moved back to my original train b/c it got in at the same late time anyways.
I kinda feel bad for giving the NYC MTA all the crap I’ve been giving them for the past xx years as nothing could have prepared me for the last 6 months of NJ Transit since moving to Rahway. Even with this morning’s E delays and my backup plan of the 7 being out of service due to track debris (after taking the C up one stop), I still had a 3rd option of the shuttle to get me cross town.Yesterday’s evening commute highlight was the loss of power twice on the 5:52 when the conductor came through asking people to confirm their tickets… “is that April?” And… “is that to Rahway?,” as she made her way through with the lights out in the cars. Anonymous of 11:31am… I’m guessing you’re referring to the ever reliable 7:12am out of Rahway? I stick with that one because I like hearing the robot voice in the morning telling me it’s going to be 5-10 minutes late.
Wow, maybe we should start an NJT section of the blog.Alexis, to the best of my memory, yes, Park Square was always planned as a rental development. The other projects planned around town — the 130 townhouses at the old Wheatena site, 80 condos at Station Place (Campbell from West Cherry to Elm) — are planned as condos for sale.
Yes – NJ Transit to/from Penn Station sucks during rush hour; it’s that way on all the NJ Transit rail lines, not just the one that passes through Rahway.I guess I’m just already numb to the pain from living elsewhere in Jersey for so many years …
Hi all,i stumbled upon this site while looking for condos in the area. I just wanted to say thanks to all who posted because I’ve finally found people who feel exactly the way i do about rahway (and NJT!)keep it up!melanie
jI think when the sky vu blg is done there wont be an x tra space to be had in the parking garage. NJ transit and rahway paid for that bldg. As a rhwy resident i use to get a discount on the parking lots, not anymore since NJ transit can’t discriminate against non res’ds parkers.My taxes paid for half of it but thats ok to them. When everyone moves in how many spots will there be left in the morning?