The city officially will dedicate Salvatore M. Mione Park this weekend on a swath of land along New Church Street where a series of homes were razed as part of a flood protection project.
City Council unanimously appointed Danni Newbury to fill the remaining 15 months of Jennifer Wenson-Maier’s term as 5th Ward representative on the nine-member governing body.
The municipal Democratic Committee last night chose three nominees to potentially fill the remaining 15 months of an unexpired term representing the 5th Ward on City Council.
More than two years after presenting a concept plan for 174 units across the river from downtown, a developer has secured a Flood Hazard Area (FHA) permit waiver through a settlement with the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the city.
City Council unanimously approved new annual sewer fees over the next five years, including a roughly 5 percent rate hike, effective Oct. 1, 2020Jan. 1, 2020.