Tag Archives: downtown

16 units to be added to downtown project

The second phase of the Main & Monroe project downtown is likely to add 16 units, bringing the total capacity of the to-be-constructed north building to 108 units, with a total 224 units between the two buildings.

Continue reading 16 units to be added to downtown project

American Legion acquisition moves ahead

City Council moved forward on the acquisition of the James E. Mackie American Legion Post 499 on West Main Street, three months after authorizing $90,000 for the purchase. Continue reading American Legion acquisition moves ahead

Essex Street concept secures DEP waiver

More than two years after presenting a concept plan for 174 units across the river from downtown, a developer has secured a Flood Hazard Area (FHA) permit waiver through a settlement with the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the city.

Continue reading Essex Street concept secures DEP waiver

Downtown parking plan unveiled

Parking throughout much of downtown would be free after 7 p.m. as part of a comprehensive downtown parking plan unveiled last week.

Continue reading Downtown parking plan unveiled

St. Mark’s property designated for redevelopment

City Council last week designated the former St. Mark’s property on Hamilton Street, and five adjacent lots, as a condemnation redevelopment area, authorizing the preparation of a redevelopment plan for the area. Continue reading St. Mark’s property designated for redevelopment

A brief update on current redevelopment projects

Excuse the radio silence of the past couple of weeks, here’s a a pictorial update on three projects currently under construction in Rahway.

Continue reading A brief update on current redevelopment projects

Inside the SID lawsuit dismissal

A Union County judge denied a motion on June 12 to enforce a settlement and reconsider a dismissal, officially ending the case that began in 2015 to stop the expansion of a Special Improvement District (SID).

Continue reading Inside the SID lawsuit dismissal

$2 million bond ordinance for Dornoch II

City Council authorized a $2-million bond ordinance to fund infrastructure improvements, including the extension of Monroe Street, as part of a downtown development currently under construction.

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