Tag Archives: downtown

Agency postpones naming Center Circle developer

The Redevelopment Agency held off on designating a redeveloper for the Center Circle site after the property’s owner requested a delay in order to work with three interested developers.

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Lafayette Village tops out

Meridia Lafayette Village, a 115-unit rental development at the corner of Main and Monroe streets, has topped out, reaching its five-story apex.

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208 units approved for Main & Monroe

A two-building complex that’s expected to physically transform the center of downtown received unanimous preliminary and final site plan approval from the Planning Board earlier this year. Main & Monroe plans to extend Monroe Street, cutting Lot B and creating a new public street downtown.

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Renewed interest for Center Circle project

There is renewed interest from developers for a residential project at The Center Circle site on Main Street.

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Microbrewery aims to open later this year

The microbrewery trend sweeping the Garden State is finally coming to downtown Rahway, possibly before the end of this year.

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Preliminary site plan OK’d for artist housing

The Planning Board last week granted preliminary site plan approval for a 58-unit affordable housing complex geared toward artists. Final site plan approval would include a full landscaping and lighting plan.

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Planning Board denies smokeshop application

The Planning Board on Tuesday night voted 7-1 to deny minor site plan approval for a smokeshop on East Milton Avenue, claiming that it is not consistent with the Central Business District’s (CBD) redevelopment plan or the city’s master plan.

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SID budget introduced, pegged at $760,000

A $760,000 budget for the expanded Special Improvement District (SID) would be almost six times larger than current budget, with almost half of it focused on a microloan program, marketing and capital improvements.

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