The Rahway Arts District (RAD) did not follow public contract laws when it awarded contracts related to the opening of the Hamilton Stage for Performing Arts, according to the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC). The office also cited the RAD for lack of adequate internal controls “and basic standards for entities handling public funds.”
Continue reading Arts District didn’t follow public bid rules →
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Almost $125,000 in funding by the Redevelopment Agency has been spent for opening the Hamilton Stage for Performing Arts, according to an annual status update provided to the agency.
Continue reading Some $125k spent to prepare Hamilton facility →
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The rehearsal hall can seat up to 60. |
Work continues on the Hamilton Stage for Performing Arts in anticipation of a grand opening this fall, with an open house preview expected in May as other preview events around the Arts District continue this spring.
Continue reading A look inside Hamilton Stage for Performing Arts →
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