Tag Archives: Rahway River

Pocket park pursued for East Cherry Street

Over the years, there have been concepts to make East Cherry Street more of a pedestrian plaza. At least since construction of the parking garage on Lewis Street in the early 2000s, discussions have included creating easier access to East Cherry Street.

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State Of The City 2020

Possibly reconfiguring one downtown intersection, the revival of canoe races in the Rahway River, more downtown parking and exploring more senior affordable housing, were among the initiatives announced last night during the Rahway State of the City by Mayor Raymond Giacobbe, Jr.

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Possibly reconfiguring one downtown intersection, the revival of canoe races in the Rahway River, more downtown parking and exploring more senior affordable housing, were among the initiatives announced last night during the Rahway State of the City by Mayor Raymond Giacobbe, Jr.

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Stretch of New Church Street homes razed

New Church Street has been transformed in recent weeks with the demolition of nine homes, including six along the west side of the street.

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Project likely won’t require 18-foot levee

The 248-unit project proposed on the site of The Center Circle sports complex likely will not require the Rahway River levee to be 18 feet. Rahway Main Street is expected to have a first floor elevation of 14 feet.

50ff2-centercirclerendering1In his report to Redevelopment Agency commissioners at the March 5 meeting, Redevelopment Director Peter Pelissier said at the time that there may be some difficulty based on what the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) sets as a levee. Preliminary conversations between the developer, Lavallette-based AST Development Corporation, and the DEP confirmed that the “flood plain does not appear to extend into the development site.”

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City commits to 10% cut in impervious surfaces

The City Council last month passed a resolution to “commit to a goal of 10 percent reduction in impervious surfaces” at municipally-owned facilities by 2015.

The city “will make best efforts to reduce impervious surfaces, including equivalent storm water runoff reductions, to set an example to communities that storm water management is a serious matter,” the resolution stated.

The resolution cites communities in the Rahway River Watershed as suffering in excess of $50 million in damages to households and businesses from Hurricane Irene in 2011. “The overdevelopment of properties and the elimination of pervious surfaces throughout the watershed have compromised the ability of the region to manage its storm water without such major damages as seen during Irene.”

This piece in Atlantic Cities, “The Way We Build Cities Is Making Them Flood,” essentially blames the urban impervious surfaces (parking lots, anywhere that water can’t drain, like asphalt), for flooding in the Chicago area — only not where you’d think.

Lafayette Village to expand onto Dock Street

Meridia Lafayette Village will push 13 feet further into Dock Street than originally planned, allowing the developer to open up some of the units — if the City Council gives its approval.
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