The Redevelopment Agency was briefed on minor design changes to original plans approved for the Main & Monroe project downtown.
Tag Archives: Redevelopment Agency
City Council approves slew of appointments
City Council last night approved a series of appointments to municipal boards, including filling a vacant seat on the Redevelopment Agency.
Redevelopment agreement OK’d, 30-year PILOT sought
The Redevelopment Agency approved a redevelopment agreement with developers of the Center Circle site on Main Street that would pay a fee of $1,750 per unit, contingent on a 30-year Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) agreement to be voted upon by City Council tomorrow night.
Continue reading Redevelopment agreement OK’d, 30-year PILOT sought
Remediation work begins on Main & Monroe site
Soil remediation began last week on a downtown site where a five-story, two-building, apartment complex is planned.
Continue reading Remediation work begins on Main & Monroe site
Redevelopment commissioner steps down
A Redevelopment Agency commissioner has stepped down halfway through her four-year appointment, creating a vacancy on the seven-member board that is expected to be filled shortly.
Closing on Center Circle property looms
Closing on the Center Circle property could come as early as this month, eventually making way for a five-story development on the Main Street site that received approval early this year.
Concept plan proposes 40 units on Monroe Street
Redevelopment is inching its way across the river from downtown, with a second concept plan proposed for the area: a 40-unit complex on Monroe Street.
Continue reading Concept plan proposes 40 units on Monroe Street
City Council approves board appointments
City Council confirmed four appointments to city boards and agencies, including two long-vacant seats on the Redevelopment Agency and Parking Authority. Continue reading City Council approves board appointments