Tag Archives: Redevelopment Agency

Soil removal next for proposed Lot B project

Thousands of tons of soil must be removed and taken to another site in addition to some remediation at the site of a proposed five-story rental complex near Lot B on Main Street.

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Artist housing site to be acquired for $1 million

The former Elizabethtown Gas building will be acquired for $1 million but the Rahway Residence for the Arts planned for the site is on hold until the next application round of federal housing tax credits, which might not be until next year.

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Redevelopment commissioner reappointed

The City Council on Monday unanimously approved the reappointment of Anthony Diege to another four-year term to the Redevelopment Agency board commissioners.

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Water study: City could be 2 million gallons short

Rahway can generate six million gallons of water per day but could come up two million gallons short, according to a recent study. The shortage doesn’t mean your faucets are in danger of running dry but it is likely to impact your wallet.

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Another add-on for Hamilton Stage project

For the second time in as many months, the Redevelopment Agency approved an additional change to the Hamilton Stage for Performing Arts nine months after its opening.

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Weighing options on Wheatena

As negotiations over acquisition of the former Wheatena property slow down, the Redevelopment Agency is waiting but keeping its options — including condemnation — open.

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City forecloses on 65 E. Cherry St.

The city has begun the process to foreclose on  65 E. Cherry St., where a fire-ravaged building was razed almost two years ago.

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Noise edges above limits at Hamilton Stage

A chiller at Hamilton Stage exceeds noise limits to the extent that it will require the construction of a sound wall at a cost of almost $32,000.

The Redevelopment Agency last month awarded a contract to build a sound wall to KDP Developers, Inc., for $31,970, the lowest among three bids. Other bids were $38,000 by K&D Contractors and $42,341 by Gingerelli Brothers.

Noise readings confirmed that the level was above acceptable limits during the day and night. The city ordinance allows a maximum level of no more than 65 dBA during the day and 50 dBA at nighttime. Daytime and nighttime limits are exceeded at 344 Hamilton St. and night time limits are exceeded in all measure locations.

Tests were conducted at four points:
* 344 Hamilton, corner of property — 68.1 dBA
* In street, 50 feet away — 65.4 dBA
* 359 Hamilton St., 87 feet — 61.9 dBA
* 339 Hamilton St., 110 feet — 61.9 dBA

“Calculations show the presence of a barrier alone falls short of achieving nighttime compliance under all load conditions at the property boundary of 344 Hamilton, adjacent to Hamilton Stage and closest property to the chiller equipment.” Ambient conditions were measured between 48-50 dBA.