Tag Archives: train station

Downtown strategic plan: SWOT analysis

The Rahway River is both a strength, for its green spaces and identity that it brings to the city, as well as threat, given the flooding that it creates, as recently as Hurricane Ida in September.

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Design work for Amtrak trestle improvements

Decorative panels and a paint job are in store for the railroad trestles and beams in the center of downtown.

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Council to vote on expanded SID budget

Almost five years after City Council initially approved expanding the downtown Special Improvement District (SID) citywide — sparking a lawsuit by business owners — the governing body is poised to approve the first expanded SID budget.

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Rahway Bands & Brews moved to Sunday

Due to a forecaRahway Bands and Brews.300x250st of a 70-percent chance of rain this afternoon, with a chance of thunder and rain by 4 p.m., Rahway Bands and Brews, presented by The Rail House, will be Sunday (Sept. 14) — same time, same place: 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Train Station Plaza.

Sunday’s forecast looks much better: low 70s, sunny to partly cloudy but no rain.

A benefit for the Union County Performing Arts Center, Rahway Bands & Brews will feature 10 independent rock bands and craft beers, sponsored by Lagunitas, Smuttynose, Abita and Founders, from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Train Station Plaza.

Rahway Bands & Brews rain date Sunday

Bands and Brews Icon copyUPDATED: Due to Saturday’s weather forecast, Rahway Bands and Brew will be Sunday (Sept. 14) — same time, same place.

An afternoon of music and craft beers will come to downtown Rahway Sept. 13, Sept 14 hosted by The Rail House and Union County Performing Arts Center.

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Plan for Mangos shifts farther down Fulton

A plan for 88 rental apartments centered around the Mangos Grill property has been revised to move the project off the corner of East Milton Avenue and farther south on Fulton Street.

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‘Zero tolerance’ for parking under railroad tracks

In an effort to improve traffic safety as well as security around the train station, the Police Department has startd installing lane barriers along Milton Avenue, beneath the train trestle.

Illegal parking under the railroad has been an issue for some time. “This is something we have put a lot of thought into, and we have tried enforcement with negligible results,” Police Chief John Rodger said. “When we issue summons or chase cars out they come back pretty quickly and we just don’t have the ability to be there every moment.”

A layout was tested two weeks ago and the east side of the street was installed on Monday, with the other side pending weather and manpower, the chief said.

It’s always been illegal to park under the bridge and with the alert system in place post-9/11 the area was specifically designated a problem, Rodger said. Police also get a lot of complaints that motorists trying to turn left from Broad Street onto Milton Avenue can’t see and have to pull out into the intersection.

“We are hopeful that this solution will deter parking in that area, and eliminate the mid-block pedestrian crossings to get to vehicles previously parked under the bridge, while at the same time providing line of sight for vehicles trying to enter the intersection,” he said.

Once both sides of the street are completed, Rodger said there will be zero tolerance for vehicles parked in the bus stop or taxi stand on West Milton Avenue.

Agency cool to preliminary plan to replace Mangos

A preliminary plan that would replace Mangos Bar & Grill and adjacent properties with a five-story residential development likely will have to go back to the drawing board to find more parking, among other concerns from the Redevelopment Agency.

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